Study what you Love, what you have interest in, and when you will complete your studies and you start working on that particular field, you will never feel that you are working for a living, but you will enjoy every working moment.
This page displays list of Nepalese +2 Schools and A Level Schools. It provides a brief information on Courses, Services and fees of such Schools in Nepal.
One could also find the Contact Detail and the name of concerned authorities.
But, if you are looking for a college or university around the globe, please visit our Study Abroad page.
If we omit the Gurukul Education system which was in use till the first millennium, until two centuries back, there were not any formal schools in Nepal. Students used to study Vedic education through some local Gurus.
The general aim of such education was to boost moral value of a person or the society as whole. But in broad, such education would also cover very vast studies of Sanskrit Literature, Art, Music, Astrology, Palmistry, Military Training etc.
Just more than a century back, the Rana Prime Ministers established the first school of Nepal, the Durbar High School.
And within a century, the number has increased to tens of thousand.
In this page, we are trying to give information about Nepalese +2 Schools and A Level Schools of Nepal.
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